just + L

let's play catch-up


At 3:15 this morning, a compromise was reached. My pride settled to use others� web designs and my conscience settled to provide more people, more frequently with less-personal correspondence. Can good result from this?

At 10:50 this morning, I woke to panic and the realization that I was nearly 2 hours late for work�causing me to seriously question my early morning, blog-initiating epiphany.

So, with one strike against me, let�s get this ball rolling. Let�s play catch-up.


Arrived in Tokyo. Moved into my central Japan apartment on the 6th.


My first hurricane. Nothing to be afraid of.


Ate my first chestnut. Ever.


Harvested rice. Agriculture is in my marrow.


Began learning judo.


Hosted a Thanksgiving Dinner for close friends. Wrong month, but right attitude.


Spent the holidays in Japan. Alone.


Passed my first judo test (brown belt). Black-belt here I come.


Turned 23 in Tokyo. Accompanied by my parents.


New school year. New students. New teachers.

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