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how rabbits lost their voice II


A lot of animals have a voice, but why doesn't the rabbit?

This is the story of how the rabbit lost his voice.

Long, long ago, various animals lived on this planet.

Everyone's life was self-sufficient and they all followed a rule: eat only what you make yourself.

The animals worked hard to make their own food, and they made a variety of foods.

The rabbit's job was to grow tomatoes. But he grew tired of always eating ketchup, tomato soup, tomato juice, and tomato cake.

So one day, he went to the animals and he asked if he could change foods.

But not just anyone could change the rules. The animals wouldn't let rabbit grow other foods.

Late one night, Rabbit stole a cabbage from Dog's house.

The next night he stole a carrot from Cat's house.

The third night, Rabbit stole a turnip from Monkey's house.

Rabbit was eating very well...but in the morning, Rabbit woke up without a voice!

That day, God came to Rabbit and said, "You broke the rule of this land, so I have taken your voice. If you stop stealing from others, I will return your voice. You must observe the rules of this land if you want to speak again!" The rabbit wriggled his nose in reply. He understood.

So that is way rabbits don't have a voice. But in return, they eat very well.

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